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Oil Spills

At Mid America Environmental Solutions, we understand the severity and long-lasting impact of contamination spills on the environment and your workplace. With our comprehensive oil spill cleanup services, your company can rely on us for immediate response and effective management, meeting federal, provincial, and local guidelines.

worker cleaning oil spill

Why We Take Contamination Spills Seriously

Oil and chemical spills pose significant risks. They can devastate natural resources, threaten public health, and cause workplace hazards, from slip-and-fall incidents to fire risks. Immediate action is crucial, and our team of experts is ready to assist at a moment’s notice to contain and mitigate any harm to the people and places you care about.

How We Respond

Our experienced professionals have the expertise, resources, and equipment to handle various environmental spills efficiently. As soon as we receive your call, we dispatch our response team to assess the situation and provide an immediate, personalized action plan.

  • Containment: Our top priority is preventing further spread of contamination. We contain the spill with specialized barriers and boom systems to minimize its impact.
  • Cleanup: Our team utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to remove contaminants from affected areas, including soil, water, and any other surfaces. We also dispose of hazardous materials safely and responsibly.
  • Restoration: Once the cleanup is complete, we conduct thorough testing to ensure all contamination has been removed. We then restore the affected area to its pre-spill condition.

Our Services

Responding swiftly to contain and mitigate the damage is our top priority. Our oil spill services include:

  • Rapid chemical and oil spill cleanup
  • Safe handling and transport of hazardous materials
  • Comprehensive waste management and cleanup services
  • Specialized environmental remediation, including soil recovery and site rehabilitation
  • Expert spill response for both controlled and unregulated substances

For environmental contamination, our additional services include:

  • On-site assessment and remedial action plan
  • Compliance with environmental regulations
  • Restoration of accident scenes and cargo spills
  • Excavation and remediation of contaminated soil
  • Efficient spill control and management

What To Do When a Chemical Spill Occurs

Protect your employees and take immediate action to prevent further contamination. Notify authorities and initiate cleanup procedures. Count on our experienced team for top-tier environmental cleaning services. Contact our team as soon as possible to avoid further damage.

Our Environmental Cleanup Services

In addition to our specialized oil spill cleanup services, Mid America Environmental Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of environmental cleanup services to meet various needs across different sectors. Below is an overview of these additional services:

worker carrying spill kit for cleaning up oil spill
  • Emergency Response Services: We are equipped to quickly respond to and manage all types of major environmental spills, ensuring containment and cleanup with minimal environmental impact.
  • Industrial Cleaning: Our team possesses the skills and expertise required to perform high-level cleaning services in nearly any industrial setting, ensuring that your facility remains clean, safe, and compliant with health standards.
  • Asbestos Removal: Handling asbestos requires professional intervention due to its associated health risks. We provide meticulous asbestos removal services to ensure the safe removal and disposal of materials containing this hazardous substance.
  • COVID-19 Professional Cleaning and Disinfection: In these times, ensuring the cleanliness and sanitation of your facilities is paramount. Our team is trained in the specific protocols for cleaning and disinfecting areas to halt the spread of COVID-19 effectively.
  • Dry Ice Blasting: This advanced cleaning technology is utilized by our team to remove stubborn contaminants from various surfaces without the use of chemicals or abrasive materials, offering a clean and environmentally friendly solution.
  • Lead Testing: With the use of X-ray fluorescence Analyzers, we offer reliable lead testing services to help identify and mitigate the presence of lead-based materials on your property.
  • Petroleum Storage Tank Services: Our services extend to the management and maintenance of both aboveground (AST) and underground (UST) petroleum storage tanks, aiding more than 800 facilities in their operational needs.
  • Soil and Groundwater Remediation: Our licensed team specializes in remediation and site cleanup services for contaminated soil and groundwater, employing the latest techniques and methodologies for effective contaminant removal.
  • Phase I & II Environmental Assessments: Before any property transaction, our trained professionals conduct thorough environmental assessments to protect all involved parties from potential environmental liabilities.
  • Safety Training: Understanding the importance of safety in the workplace, we offer comprehensive safety training courses designed to ensure that all employees are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to operate safely.

Contact Mid America Environmental Solutions Today

Contact our team for rapid, reliable, and regulatory-compliant oil spill cleanup services. Ensure the safety of your operations and the environment with Midi America Environmental Solutions, your partner in mitigating disaster impacts efficiently.

Contact our Oklahoma or Missouri Locations

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